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Maceo's Reviews

Lil Maceo Reviews

  • Lorraine Campell
    "Lil Maceo keeps the dance floor going all night" - Lorraine Campbell, owner of JVs
  • Kitt Potter
    "The first song won't be over before you are on your feet screaming with applause. You never want the show to be over when Lil Maceo takes the stage!" - Kitt Potter, Executive Director, Maverick Concert
  • Bryan Crosswhite
    "Amazing artist who brings excitement and talent to the stage" - Bryan Crosswhite, Owner French Quarter Brasserie, Fairfax
  • Llewelyn Screen
    Evolution, the much-respected Lil’ Maceo turns all worries away into the westerly wind with a breathtakingly memorable performance to treasure forever on 2MRO. Projected so expertly and with that proficient energy which we mere mortals shall never fully comprehend, Lil’ Maceo is rather illuminating on 2MRO and shall galvanize the world into being a much better place to live. - Llewelyn Screen A&R Factory

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